Using Black to Define Your Windows
White is almost always the first color that comes to mind when it’s time to choose a paint color for your trim. Your windows, however, can be the perfect place to experiment and go bold with black trim. Need convincing? Here’s why you might want to consider whipping out a paint brush and a can of dark paint for a quick update. Black trim instantly defines the windows as a focal point. Where a window might normally get lost in a space, black demands attention and highlights what’s often one of its best architectural features. Black also creates an instant “frame” for your view.
Use Paint to Eliminate the Need for Window Treatments
Painting trim black is a beautiful way to give your windows a finished look, eliminating the need for pricey window treatment. This trick works especially well in a room where adding curtains or a shade might be awkward or crowded. Black gives the look of intentional, clean decorating, without feeling too fussy and still letting in plenty of sunlight.
Create High Contrast With Black Trim
Painting your window trim black may feel a little out of your comfort zone at first, but it’s an easy way to go bold with a color you might never dare to put on your walls. Black trim works especially well with white or very light walls, creating a strong contrast for a modern look. For the ultimate contrast, opt for high gloss black on the trim and a more subtle finish on the walls.